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Cloud Security

DoD Security Requirements for Cloud

The GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) 47QTCA23D000J contract facilitates an effective and powerful method of contracting for professional support services and helping small business involvement. The Navy encourages new innovative cloud industries to have a chance of accomplishing efficiency and effective use of cloud computing in maritime application. Further information available at DoD Security Requirements for Cloud. Cloud computing firms have been coming forward to develop comprehensive cloud computing technology processes while providing world class services at lower cost. However, there is a need to understand the protection requirements of cloud in military application. To achieve optimal security, one should adopt both micro and macro approaches, encompassing tasks such as constructing new security frameworks, strengthening existing secure frameworks, assessing mission and risk factors, and conducting examinations of system integrity.

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DoD Security Requirements for Cloud

All DoD Information Systems must comply with CNSSI 1253. This regulation relates to the arrangement of security controls. In addition, protection controls in NIST SP 800-53, for National Security Systems or non-NSS. The CNSSI 1253 baselines derive customization from the NIST 800-53, mirroring the FedRAMP security baselines. These baselines are a base stages for securing all Department of Defense frameworks, which can be custom-made further to address unique secure frameworks or circumstances.

According to the DoD CIO, “segments may deposit Unclassified DoD data freely onto FedRAMP-endorsed cloud services.” To be more precise, they assess CSPs for granting a DoD PA at data impact levels 4 or higher by using the FedRAMP v2 Moderate standard, complemented with DoD FedRAMP+ C/CEs and requirements in this SRG.

Available on GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) 47QTCA23D000J

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