Consolidate Duplicate Clouds into Kubernetes
Why consolidate duplicate clouds into Kubernetes? Do you remember how TCP/IP eclipsed every other Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) protocol and became the global standard for computer networking? However, today’s blog is not about networking protocols. But, on another controversial technology standard boomed as the TCP/IP: the Kubernetes. It is miraculous how fast the Kubernetes technology and the Kubernetes market has rolled on and, now we are at a point discussing the Kubernetes consolidation. Kubernetes before Duplicate Cloud Consolidation The emergence of Docker in 2013 fueled the popularization of containers to deliver applications. As a result, tech giants in the industry widely adopted container-based applications. Since the wide adoption of containers, systems evolved to be more complex, and the exposure to risk and security threats increased. That laid the groundwork for… Continue readingConsolidate Duplicate Clouds into Kubernetes